‘The Loud American: Working with Norwegians‘ (ISBN 9788269007299) was the first version of the Working With Norwegians book. It was published in 2018 and updated in 2019 with Version 2.
You can purchase the latest version here.
About the Loud American
Sean Percival is an American Venture Capitalist and author who has spent the last several years in Norway. Through his work in the Norwegian startup ecosystem, he has interacted with Norwegian businesses of all sizes and across every major national industry. His experience has shown him that business environments benefit greatly from international diversity and that multicultural companies are more competitive, more creative, and have more fun.
About The Loud American: Working with Norwegians Book
This outsider’s view is packed with tips and tricks so that foreigners and Norwegians can be better at doing business together.
The Loud American on God Morning Norge
Follow up to the Loud American: Working with Norwegians
There is now a follow up book and guide for how to move to Norway called Living with Norwegians.