Christmas Food Christmas in Norway

Dive into Traditional Norwegian ⁣Pinnekjøtt:‍ A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction: Norwegian cuisine‌ is ⁤known for its rich ⁣and⁣ flavorful dishes⁤ that are deeply ‌rooted in⁢ tradition.⁣ One such dish is Pinnekjøtt, a beloved delicacy popular across Norway, especially during the holiday season.​ Made from‍ cured ⁢and dried lamb ribs, Pinnekjøtt boasts a unique taste that⁢ is ⁣both smoky and tender. In this comprehensive ‌guide, we will dive into the origins ​of Pinnekjøtt, explore its ‌preparation process, discover ‌traditional ‌accompaniments, and⁣ provide tips for savoring this​ delectable Norwegian dish. 1. What is Pinnekjøtt: An⁣ Introduction to‌ Traditional ​Norwegian Cuisine Pinnekjøtt,⁢ which translates​ to “stick meat,” is a traditional Norwegian ⁢dish made from lamb ribs.‍ These ‌ribs are cured and dried for several weeks, resulting in tender and ⁤flavorful meat. The name “stick⁣ meat” comes‍ from the ⁣cooking method, where⁣ the ribs are steamed⁤ on ​a ⁣bed⁤ of birch⁤ sticks, allowing the ⁢meat ⁢to become succulent ‍while developing a smoky aroma. This ⁤dish is⁣ typically enjoyed during festive occasions such as Christmas and New Year’s Eve, bringing ‍families together to savor the flavors of Norway. 2. The History and Origins ‍‍of ⁣Pinnekjøtt:⁣ Unveiling ⁤the Tradition The origins of Pinnekjøtt can be​ traced back to the western regions of Norway, where sheep farming has been a vital part of⁣ the⁣ culture for centuries. The preservation of meat was essential in these cold and mountainous ⁤areas, ⁢leading to the development of various ⁤curing and ⁣drying‍ techniques. Pinnekjøtt emerged as a result ‍of this ingenuity, providing a‌ way to ‌store and ‌enjoy lamb ‌throughout the year. Over time, this⁣ traditional dish gained popularity across the country, evolving into a symbol of⁤ Norwegian ‌culinary⁣ heritage. 3. ‌The Ingredients‌ and ⁤Preparation of Pinnekjøtt: ⁣A ​Step-by-Step Guide To‍ prepare Pinnekjøtt, you will need high-quality lamb ribs, preferably from a local butcher. The curing‌ process begins⁣ by‍ rubbing the meat with a mixture of coarse salt, which helps to draw out excess moisture ‍and aids in ⁢preservation. ​The‌ ribs are then⁣ hung in a cool, well-ventilated area for two to three weeks, allowing the meat to dry and ⁢develop ⁣its distinct flavor. Prior to cooking, ⁣the ribs are soaked ‍in water for⁣ at least 24 hours to rehydrate ⁢and remove​ excess salt. Once the meat is ‌ready, it is time to steam the Pinnekjøtt. A⁤ large ​pot or steamer is filled with water, and ⁣birch sticks are⁢ placed at the bottom to elevate the meat. The soaked ribs are arranged‍ on top ‌of the​ sticks, ensuring they do ⁣not come into direct contact with the water. The pot is covered tightly,⁢ and‍ the Pinnekjøtt is simmered for several hours, allowing the steam to ⁤gently cook the meat, resulting in tender and aromatic ribs. 4. Serving and Sides:⁣ Exploring Traditional‌ Accompaniments for‌ Pinnekjøtt Pinnekjøtt is typically ‍served with a⁣ variety ‍of traditional accompaniments that complement its​ flavors. One classic side dish⁤ is ‍kålrabistappe, a creamy mash made⁢ from⁤ boiled rutabaga and potatoes. The combination of the ⁣slightly sweet ‌rutabaga and fluffy potatoes enhances the savory taste of Pinnekjøtt. Another popular side is​ boiled potatoes, which provide a simple and neutral base to appreciate the richness of ⁣the meat. Lingonberry sauce, with its sweet and tangy flavor, is often served alongside Pinnekjøtt, adding a refreshing element to each bite. To complete the meal, it⁣ is common ‍to serve Tyttebær, a type of cranberry jam, which adds a burst of tartness that‌ balances the ‌richness of ⁣Pinnekjøtt. Additionally, flatbread ‍or lefse, a Norwegian soft flatbread, is a⁣ common⁤ accompaniment, providing a delightful texture and serving as an excellent vessel for enjoying the flavors of⁢ Pinnekjøtt. 5. Tips for‍ Enjoying Pinnekjøtt: ⁢Embracing​ ‌the Flavors and⁤ Traditions To fully appreciate⁤ the flavors of Pinnekjøtt, it is crucial to savor each bite slowly. ⁤The meat should be ⁤tender enough to easily pull away from the bone. Take ​time to explore the​ smoky and salty undertones that‌ make ‍this dish ⁢truly⁢ unique. Remember to pair it with the suggested side dishes,⁢ as the combination of flavors adds depth to the overall dining ⁤experience. Embrace the tradition and share this beloved Norwegian dish with ‌friends and family, as Pinnekjøtt’s roots lie not only in the flavors but ⁤also in the joy of coming together and celebrating Norwegian culinary heritage. In conclusion, Pinnekjøtt represents the heart and soul of⁣ traditional ‍Norwegian cuisine. Its ⁢humble origins and rich flavors make it ⁣a cherished dish during festive occasions. By⁢ understanding its history and‌ carefully preparing and ⁢serving this delicacy with traditional accompaniments,‌ one can experience⁣ the true essence of Norway. So, gather ⁣your ‌loved ones, embark on an ⁤epicurean journey, and ‌indulge in the ⁣delicious world⁤ of Pinnekjøtt!

More Norwegian Christmas Food

Embrace the enchanting Yuletide spirit with a journey through Norway’s Christmas culinary wonders. Our curated category brings you a delectable assortment of festive delights, from traditional main courses to decadent desserts that define the holiday season in Norway. Explore the rich tapestry of flavors and time-honored recipes that make Norwegian Christmas cuisine a true feast for the senses. Let the aromatic allure and cultural significance of these festive dishes transport you to the heart of Scandinavian holiday traditions. Indulge in the joy of Christmas with our handpicked selection of Norwegian Christmas food, where every bite tells a story steeped in tradition and love.

Christmas Food Christmas in Norway

Norwegian ‌Julebrus: A ⁢Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to traditional Christmas beverages, ​Norway’s Julebrus takes center stage. ⁣This carbonated, non-alcoholic drink is a⁤ staple during the⁢ holiday season, enjoyed ‌by‌ both young and old. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the origins and traditions‌ of ‌Norwegian Julebrus, explore⁢ the various flavors available, ⁣offer taste-tested pairing suggestions, shine a spotlight‌ on local brands⁤ and manufacturers, and provide a guide to the best places to find this festive drink.

1. Origins‌ and Traditions: Uncovering the History of Norwegian Julebrus

Norwegian Julebrus can be traced back to the early 20th century when ​it⁤ was first introduced as a⁣ Christmas alternative to beer. The name Julebrus translates to “Christmas‌ soda,” emphasizing its​ seasonal significance. ⁢Originally, ‌it ‌was ‍brewed at home using malt extract, carbonation, and a blend of⁣ spices. Over time, commercial production of​ Julebrus became widespread,​ with different variations⁤ and flavors emerging.

To maintain the festiveness, Julebrus is typically packaged in vibrant red ⁤and green bottles or cans, adorned with Christmas motifs like snowflakes and Santa Claus. The beverage is most commonly enjoyed with meals, during holiday festivities, or simply as a refreshing treat during the winter months.

2. Varieties and‍ Flavors: A Detailed Look at the Many Types of⁤ Julebrus Available

The ‍world of Norwegian Julebrus offers ​a diverse range of flavors, ensuring there’s something for everyone’s taste buds. Here are some popular ⁢Julebrus varieties:

  • Original: The classic Julebrus flavor, often characterized by‍ its fruity notes and a subtle hint​ of spices.
  • Berry⁣ Blast: This‌ variation adds a burst of berry flavors to the mix, creating a more vibrant‌ and tangy Julebrus experience.
  • Apple Cinnamon: Perfect for those who enjoy the cozy flavors of‌ apple and the warmth of ‍cinnamon during the holiday season.
  • Gingerbread: Like drinking a gingerbread cookie, this ‌Julebrus variety brings the⁤ comforting taste of ginger, cinnamon, and nutmeg.

3. Taste Testing ⁢and Pairing: Exploring the Best⁢ Ways to Enjoy Norwegian Julebrus

Taste⁢ testing Norwegian Julebrus is ⁤not just about trying different flavors but also about‌ finding the perfect pairings to⁣ enhance the experience. Here are some suggestions:

  • Spicy Foods: Pair Original⁢ Julebrus‌ with spicy holiday⁣ dishes‍ or traditional Norwegian Christmas sausages for a delightful contrast.
  • Smoked Salmon: The fruity flavors of Berry Blast Julebrus complement the smoky richness of salmon, offering a‌ harmonious combination.
  • Gingerbread Cookies: Enjoy‌ the Gingerbread Julebrus alongside traditional Norwegian gingerbread cookies to intensify the holiday spirit.

4. Local ⁤Brands and Manufacturers: A Spotlight on the Top Producers of Julebrus in Norway

Norway’s Julebrus market is brimming with local brands and manufacturers who​ strive⁢ to create the finest holiday soft drinks. Here are ​some‌ top producers:

Aas BryggeriDrammen
E.C. Dahls BryggeriTrondheim

These brands have been crafting Julebrus for generations, using traditional recipes⁢ and impeccable craftsmanship to deliver the authentic flavors that Norwegians cherish during the holiday season.

5. Where to Find​ Norwegian Julebrus: A Guide to the Best‍ Places to Purchase and Experience⁣ this Traditional Christmas Beverage

To immerse yourself in the ‌world​ of Norwegian Julebrus, here are some recommended places to purchase and experience this ​festive‌ drink:

  • Supermarkets: Major supermarket chains like‍ Rema 1000 and Kiwi offer a wide⁣ selection of⁢ Julebrus‌ during the holiday season.
  • Christmas Markets: Visit Christmas markets in cities like Oslo and Bergen for an authentic Julebrus experience.
  • Online Stores: Order Julebrus directly‍ from⁣ local brands’ websites or specialty online stores ⁢to have it conveniently delivered to your‌ doorstep.

Make sure to stock up on Norwegian Julebrus to savor the festive flavors and join in the cherished Christmas traditions of ⁤Norway.

More Norwegian Christmas Food

Embrace the enchanting Yuletide spirit with a journey through Norway’s Christmas culinary wonders. Our curated category brings you a delectable assortment of festive delights, from traditional main courses to decadent desserts that define the holiday season in Norway. Explore the rich tapestry of flavors and time-honored recipes that make Norwegian Christmas cuisine a true feast for the senses. Let the aromatic allure and cultural significance of these festive dishes transport you to the heart of Scandinavian holiday traditions. Indulge in the joy of Christmas with our handpicked selection of Norwegian Christmas food, where every bite tells a story steeped in tradition and love.

Christmas Food Norwegian Food

Norwegian comfort food: Rømmegrøt

Introduction: Dive into the World of Norwegian Cuisine with Rømmegrøt

Norwegian cuisine may not be as popular as Italian or French cuisine, but it’s rich in flavors and traditions. If you’re looking to explore Norwegian food, Rømmegrøt is a must-try dish. This creamy, filling porridge has been a staple in Norwegian households for centuries and is often served during special occasions. In this article, we’ll guide you through the history, ingredients, and preparation of Rømmegrøt, as well as its variations and serving suggestions.

What is Rømmegrøt? A Brief History of the Classic Norwegian Comfort Food

Rømmegrøt is a traditional Norwegian porridge made from sour cream, flour, and milk. Its roots can be traced back to the Viking era when porridge was a staple food for the Norwegian people. In the Middle Ages, Rømmegrøt became a popular dish among the wealthy due to its high-fat content. However, over time, it became a comfort food for everyone, especially during the cold winter months. Today, Rømmegrøt is still a common dish in Norwegian households, and it’s often served during special occasions such as Christmas and weddings.

The Ingredients You Need for Rømmegrøt and Where to Find Them

To make Rømmegrøt, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • 1 liter of sour cream
  • 1 liter of milk
  • 300 grams of wheat flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt

You can find these ingredients in most Norwegian grocery stores. If you live outside Norway, you might have to search for a specialty store or an online retailer. Note that the quality of the sour cream is crucial for the taste and texture of the dish, so try to find a high-fat and natural brand.

Step-by-Step Guide to Making the Creamy, Delicious Rømmegrøt

Making Rømmegrøt may seem daunting, but it’s a relatively simple process. Follow these steps to make a creamy, delicious porridge:

  1. In a large pot, heat the sour cream and milk over medium heat until it starts to boil.
  2. Reduce the heat to low and add the flour and salt gradually, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon.
  3. Continue stirring for about 45 minutes until the mixture thickens and turns golden brown.
  4. Add more milk if the consistency is too thick and adjust the seasoning to taste.
  5. Serve hot with your favorite toppings and accompaniments.

Serving Suggestions: Pairing Rømmegrøt with Traditional Norwegian Accompaniments

Rømmegrøt is a versatile dish that can be served in many ways. Here are some traditional Norwegian accompaniments that go well with Rømmegrøt:

  • Sugar, cinnamon, and butter – sprinkle some sugar and cinnamon on top of the porridge and add a dollop of butter.
  • Jam or berry sauce – top the porridge with your favorite jam or berry sauce for a fruity touch.
  • Salted meat or fish – for a savory twist, serve Rømmegrøt with salted meat or fish such as bacon, ham, or herring.

Rømmegrøt Variations: How to Add a Twist to the Classic Dish

If you’re feeling adventurous, you can experiment with different flavors and ingredients to create your own Rømmegrøt variations. Here are some ideas:

  • Add cardamom, nutmeg, or vanilla extract for a warm, spicy taste.
  • Use different types of flour such as cornmeal, barley, or rye for a rustic texture.
  • Replace the milk with buttermilk or cream for a richer flavor.
  • Top the porridge with nuts, seeds, or dried fruit for a crunchy, nutritious twist.

Conclusion: Indulge in a Bowl of Rømmegrøt and Experience the Comfort of Norway

Rømmegrøt may not be the most glamorous dish, but it’s a hearty and comforting staple of Norwegian cuisine. Whether you’re looking to try something new or longing for a taste of home, Rømmegrøt is a dish worth trying. With our guide, you can easily make a creamy and delicious porridge and pair it with traditional Norwegian accompaniments or add your own twist. So grab a bowl, spoon, and enjoy the comfort of Norway!

Christmas Food Christmas in Norway Working With Norwegians

A guide to Norwegian Aquavit

Aquavit, also known as akvavit, is a traditional Scandinavian spirit that has been produced in Norway for centuries. Made from grain or potatoes, it is typically flavored with herbs and spices, most notably caraway and dill. Here is a guide to Norwegian aquavit.

History of Aquavit in Norway

Aquavit has been produced in Norway since the 15th century, when it was used for medicinal purposes. It was believed to have healing properties and was used to treat a variety of ailments, from the common cold to digestive issues.

Over time, aquavit became a popular spirit for drinking, particularly during celebrations and holidays such as Christmas and Midsummer. It is often served chilled and sipped slowly, either neat or with a meal.

Flavors and Varieties

Norwegian aquavit is typically flavored with a combination of herbs and spices, with caraway being the most dominant flavor. Other common flavors include dill, anise, coriander, and fennel.

There are many varieties of Norwegian aquavit available, each with its own unique flavor profile. Some popular brands include Linie Aquavit, Gammel Opland Aquavit, and Aalborg Jubilaeums Akvavit.

How to Serve Aquavit

Aquavit is typically served chilled, either straight from the freezer or over ice. It is often served in small glasses or shot glasses, and sipped slowly. Some people prefer to mix it with tonic water or soda water for a lighter, more refreshing drink.

Aquavit is also commonly served with traditional Scandinavian foods such as pickled herring, smoked salmon, and meatballs. The strong flavor of the aquavit complements the salty and savory flavors of these foods, making for a delicious pairing.

Aquavit Cocktails

While aquavit is often enjoyed neat or with traditional Scandinavian foods, it can also be used in cocktails. Here are some popular aquavit cocktail recipes:

  1. Aku Aku: This tropical-inspired cocktail is made with aquavit, lime juice, falernum, and passionfruit syrup.
  2. Aquavit Sour: This twist on the classic whiskey sour is made with aquavit, lemon juice, simple syrup, and egg white.
  3. Norwegian Negroni: This Scandinavian take on the classic Negroni is made with aquavit, sweet vermouth, and Campari.
  4. Scandanavian Sling: This refreshing cocktail is made with aquavit, cherry liqueur, lime juice, and soda water.


Norwegian aquavit is a traditional spirit with a rich history and unique flavor profile. Its dominant caraway flavor makes it a distinctive and flavorful spirit that is perfect for sipping or pairing with traditional Scandinavian foods. With many varieties available and the ability to use it in cocktails, aquavit is a versatile and delicious spirit that is worth trying. When you do, toast as Norwegians do and say “Skål!”.

Christmas Food Norwegian Food

Smalahove: The traditional Norwegian dish

Smalahove is a traditional Norwegian dish that is made from the head of a sheep. The dish is a delicacy in Norway and is typically eaten during the winter months. Here is a guide to Smalahove, including its history, preparation, and cultural significance.

Smalahove History

Smalahove has been a traditional Norwegian dish for centuries, with roots dating back to the Viking age. The dish was originally made by shepherds who would cook the sheep’s head over an open fire while out in the fields. The dish was a way to utilize all parts of the sheep and provide sustenance during the long winter months.

Smalahove Preparation

Smalahove is prepared by boiling the entire sheep’s head in salted water for several hours until the meat is tender and the skin is soft. The head is then served with boiled potatoes and rutabaga, or kålrabistappe in Norwegian.

To eat Smalahove, the skin is carefully cut away from the head, and the meat is removed from the skull. The eyes, tongue, and brain are considered delicacies and are often eaten by more adventurous diners.

Smalahove Cultural Significance

Smalahove is a dish that is steeped in Norwegian tradition and cultural significance. The dish is most commonly associated with the western region of Norway, particularly the areas of Voss and Sogn og Fjordane.

Smalahove is often served during cultural events, such as Christmas and Easter, as well as at local festivals and fairs. The dish has become a symbol of Norwegian culinary heritage and is often featured in tourism campaigns to showcase traditional Norwegian cuisine.

Smalahove Controversy

Despite its cultural significance, Smalahove has also been the subject of controversy in recent years. Animal rights activists have criticized the dish for its use of the entire sheep’s head, including the eyes, tongue, and brain. Some have called for a ban on the dish, citing ethical concerns and cruelty to animals.

Others argue that Smalahove is an important part of Norwegian cultural heritage and should be preserved. Many restaurants and chefs who serve Smalahove have made efforts to ensure that the sheep are ethically raised and that the dish is prepared in a humane manner.


Smalahove is a traditional Norwegian dish that is steeped in cultural significance and culinary heritage. While the dish has faced controversy in recent years, it remains a delicacy in Norway and is enjoyed by many during the winter months. Whether you are a seasoned foodie or simply curious about Norwegian cuisine, trying Smalahove is an unforgettable culinary experience that offers a glimpse into Norway’s rich cultural history.

Christmas Food Christmas in Norway Christmas Traditions Work Culture in Norway Working With Norwegians

Julebord: The Norwegian Christmas Party

Norwegian Julebord - The Christmas Party in Norway - Working With Norwegians

The apex of Norwegian drinking culture, at least as it pertains to the workplace, is Julebord, or the Christmas party. A year’s worth of pent up work frustrations is released on this glorious night. It’s a bit of a fancy night, at least fancier than a typical Norwegian event. Often taking place in a luxury hotel or other fine establishment, this is one night of the year when it’s ok to indulge a little (more like a lot). You’ve almost made it through the brutal winter so perhaps you’ve earned it after all. 

Before you join a Norwegian work Julebord there are a few rules to live by. Let’s go through them.

  • Norwegian men should dust off the suits and ties they never wear for this evening. It’s expected you’ll look a little nice tonight.
  • Norwegian women also get a little fancy and even wear stiletto heels. This is not a sight you often see in Norway as it’s not so easy to traverse snowy streets in such footwear.
  • This is the night to share feedback with your colleagues, good or bad. The alcohol will help you muster up the courage to do so.
  • If you have romantic feelings for a colleague now is the time to let them know. Once again the alcohol should help.
  • It’s perfectly OK to sleep with your boss that night, even if he or she is married!
  • The same rules that apply to Las Vegas apply to Julebord. So what happens at the Julebord stays at the Julebord. Don’t make your coworkers uncomfortable by discussing the night’s events the next day. Or ever again really.

For foreigners, this is a night to celebrate and strengthen your relationship with your Norwegian colleagues. It’s one of the few evenings when this is easy to do. For the Norwegians out there please check in on your foreign workers to ensure they are not overwhelmed. They will not be used to seeing such an overly social experience in Norway. Hand them a shot of aquavit and help them sing along on this wonderful night.

God Jul!

More about a Norwegian Julebord

The Norwegian Julebord, a festive and cherished tradition, is a culinary celebration that marks the joyous holiday season. Rooted in centuries-old customs, this communal feast is a testament to the warmth of Norwegian hospitality and the rich cultural tapestry that defines the country’s festive spirit.

Understanding Julebord: A Culinary Extravaganza

Defining Julebord

Julebord, translating to “Christmas table” in English, is a grand feast that typically takes place in the weeks leading up to Christmas. It is a time when colleagues, friends, and families come together to indulge in a lavish spread of traditional Norwegian dishes, fostering a sense of unity and festive camaraderie.

The Culinary Palette of Julebord

Classic Norwegian Flavors

  1. Rakfisk and Lutefisk: Julebord often features traditional dishes such as rakfisk (fermented fish) and lutefisk (dried fish rehydrated in a lye solution). These unique delicacies add a distinctive touch to the festive spread.
  2. Ribbe and Pinnekjøtt: Roasted pork rib (ribbe) and steamed lamb ribs (pinnekjøtt) are staple main courses, showcasing the diversity of Norwegian holiday cuisine.
  3. Leverpostei and Julepølse: Liver pâté (leverpostei) and Christmas sausages (julepølse) are delectable appetizers that contribute to the rich tapestry of flavors during Julebord.

The Festive Setting: Atmosphere and Decor

Decorative Splendor

Julebord venues are adorned with festive decorations, creating a warm and inviting ambiance. Traditional Christmas colors, candles, and ornaments contribute to the magical atmosphere that enhances the dining experience.

Live Music and Entertainment

Many Julebord celebrations include live music and entertainment, adding a lively and joyful element to the festivities. Dancing and merriment become integral components of the experience, making Julebord a truly immersive celebration.

The Social Significance of Julebord

Strengthening Bonds

Julebord goes beyond being a mere culinary event; it’s a time for building and strengthening personal and professional relationships. Colleagues share stories, friends toast to the year gone by, and families come together to create lasting memories.

Corporate and Family Traditions

While companies host Julebord for their employees, families also have their private celebrations. These gatherings reinforce the importance of togetherness and provide a platform for expressing gratitude and goodwill.


As you embark on the journey of a Norwegian Julebord, you are not just partaking in a festive meal; you are immersing yourself in a cultural experience that reflects the heart and soul of Norway’s holiday traditions. The flavors, the atmosphere, and the camaraderie come together to make Julebord an integral and cherished part of the Norwegian Christmas season. So, whether you’re a local or a visitor, dive into the magic of Julebord and savor the essence of a Norwegian Christmas celebration.

More Norwegian Christmas Food

Embrace the enchanting Yuletide spirit with a journey through Norway’s Christmas culinary wonders. Our curated category brings you a delectable assortment of festive delights, from traditional main courses to decadent desserts that define the holiday season in Norway. Explore the rich tapestry of flavors and time-honored recipes that make Norwegian Christmas cuisine a true feast for the senses. Let the aromatic allure and cultural significance of these festive dishes transport you to the heart of Scandinavian holiday traditions. Indulge in the joy of Christmas with our handpicked selection of Norwegian Christmas food, where every bite tells a story steeped in tradition and love.